05 January 2006

OK, so here's the story about this blog. Brian and I are taking a 7 week trip to New Zealand and Samoa. A few months ago I started a blog to keep everyone up to date on our travels. Apparently I'm not very good with the whole time zone thing, because I miscalculated the time difference between good old Ohio and Christchurch, New Zealand. Anyway, if you want to read the old blog, go here.

So why New Zealand? Brian had always been interested in going to the land of the Kiwis, and when we found out we could get a grant through the medical school so that he could do a rotation abroad, we decided to go for it. When will we ever have another chance to travel across the world, and have part of it paid for. Plus, Brian starts his residency in July and we will have precious little time do much of anything outside the hospital let alone spend weeks exploring a foreign country! Seeing the gorgeous scenery in this movie just helped convince us it was worth it.

So what will we do for all that time? Brian will be working at Christchurch Hospital doing an opthomology rotation. I'm planning on doing some reading and enjoying the time off. I had to work a lot of overtime to save up enough hours to go on vacation for for 7 weeks! On the weekend we'll be tramping (hiking) and seeing as much of NZ as we can. We'll be staying in Christchurch in a "1 and 1/2 bedroom" flat called Bricky's house. Tito the cat will be staying with my parents and Diesel the dog will be staying with some of his brothers and sisters (and mom and aunts and uncles) in Virginia.


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