23 May 2006

Ever seen a Mini Cooper? I have, and I've been obsessing over them for the past several years. And now that Brian is about to graduate and join the gainfully employed, I've taken that obsession to a whole new level. Introducing...

Sir Winston! My very first new car. He's a 2006 Mini Copper S Convertible. 6 speed manual transmission. And I am in love. With a car! Here are some pictures so you can fall in love too!

Brian is enjoying the new car as well. We've put 500 miles on him since we brought him home Friday. And we have had great weather. I can't tell you all how much fun it is to drive this car! He's a zippy little guy and gets a lot of attention. Mini drivers wave at each other, which makes me feel like I'm part of a club. Being in a convertible makes people think they can talk to you. People ask you for directions, they ask if you like your car, all sorts of things. Plus this car is so darn cute!

Here are a couple pics from the showroom when we picked it. I've never seen a car so clean and shiny and smelling so new! The dealer put a little sign on the window that said "Please don't touch, I'm going to my new home today"

If you want to see the interior you'll have to let me take you for a drive. With the top down, of course!

Tito has given up and started liking Lily. She's like his little shadow now. Here they are in the "guest room" (Note to guests, if you want to stay with us and are allergic to cats, please give me a heads up so I can de-cat the room!)

Here're the cats and what used to be Diesel's water bowl. I think he has given up on it and just drinks from the bowl in his crate now.

And here's our little girl hamming it up for the camera. Isn't she cute?


Blogger Erin said...

That is just freaking AWESOME!!! Great color and so darn cute!

Congrats on the new family member :)

23 May, 2006 20:40  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooh! New cars are always fun. We rented a Mustang Convertible for the weekend for our anniversary. We too were all over Columbus in it. Its a wonder we didn't pull up next to you at a light somewhere. I want a Mustang SOOOOOO bad. Enjoy it guys!


24 May, 2006 05:13  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to see the new posts. Such great photography once again. And we agree that Sir Winston and Lily are cute additions.

25 May, 2006 18:36  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2 new family members... we should throw a party!! the car is super fun and i love lily!

love you! jo

ps i love the photography from your last hikes and your little trip... obviously i haven't looked for a while... my bad

29 May, 2006 16:55  

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